Welcome to “Sunday School…Sunday School”. Each week we will highlight our Adult Class Sunday School Lesson for the upcoming week. This site is designed to prepare you for the upcoming lesson, and give you greater insight into the Word of God. Get ready to be “stretched”. Get ready for an exciting journey. Get ready for a stir in your Soul.

Daily Scripture reading for the week is at the end of the page.           

Dr. June Normil

problems with false teachers

Unit 2 LESSON 13

February 23, 2025

STUDY TEXT: 2 Corinthians 11:1-15

CENTRAL TRUTH: Christians can prepare to recognize and confront false teaching by growing in their understanding of God's Word.

KEY VERSE: 2 Timothy 4:3-4 The time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables (KJV).

A time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. They will reject the truth and chase after myths (NLT).



Raise your hand if you never answer a call from an unknown caller. Now raise your hand if you only open emails from people you know. And raise your hand if your social media account has ever been hacked or cloned. Because of the deception in our culture, many people have become skeptical about what is or isn't true. Today's key verse is a somber warning about rejecting biblical teaching and embracing false teaching (2Timothy 4:3-4). False teaching was one of the problems Paul addressed in 2 Corinthians. Chapters 10-13 include a defense of his apostleship and message against false teachers. Paul's instructions regarding false teachers remind us of the harm they cause and the necessity of preserving the gospel.

PART 1- Hold Fast to the Gospel

Beware Deceptive Teachers           2 Corinthians 11:1-4

After defending his authority at length (2 Corinthians 10). Paul considered it foolishness to have to continue commending himself to the believers in Corinth (11:1). But he was motivated by his godly jealousy (verse 2). Paul described believers as a bride and Christ as a bridegroom. Because of the false teachers in their midst, Paul feared the believers might stray from wholehearted devotion to the Lord (verse 3). The serpent had caused Eve to question God's identity and motivation; the false teachers in Corinth used the same tactics. They proclaimed a different Jesus, a different Spirit, and a different gospel than what Paul preached (verse 4). The Corinthians' belief in the true gospel had led to their pure and undivided devotion To Christ. Paul admonished them to listen to his message and stand firm in the truth. Satan's goal is to turn people away from God, to prevent reconciliation or destroy relationship however he can. He uses deceived people as tools to deceive others. But growing in our understanding of God's Word is a powerful way to prepare ourselves to recognize and confront his lies.

Discuss? What clues might alert us that a teaching is false? 

Trust Reliable Teachers                         2 Corinthians 11:5-6

Paul sarcastically described the false teachers in Corinth as "super apostles" (2 Corinthians 11:5). These false teachers likely tried to position themselves as superior to Paul. But he would not quietly submit to them. This was not a matter of personal pride, but of loving concern for his spiritual children in Corinth. Who would the Corinthians trust with their souls? The smooth-talking, self-seeking teachers worming their way into the church? Or the apostle who shared the gospel with them, lived it out before them, and never took any money from them? Believers must listen to reliable teachers who faithfully proclaim the gospel and do their best to please God. Methods and technology change. But the message must not change; it "is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes" (Romans 1:16).

Discuss? How can we make sure the message of the gospel is never overshadowed by the methods used to proclaim it?

Part 2-- Paul's Example of Leading in Love

Gospel Proclaimed for free                         2 Corinthians 11:7-9

Paul had humbled himself and preached the gospel" without expecting anything in return (2 Corinthians 11:7). Why should the Corinthians object to this? Paul called himself a spiritual father to the Corinthian believer )1 Corinthian 4:15). A father should not be a financial burden to his children, and Paul was resolute that he never would be. Instead, he was supported by other churches (2 Corinthians 11:8). When money got tight, a gift from the Macedonian believers covered his needs (verse 9). Perhaps Paul had expected that false teachers would try to take advantage of the Corinthian church. By proclaiming the gospel freely, Paul had set a standard by which the other teachers' intents could be measured. Ministers of the gospel should not be motivated by money. At the same time, churches should provide for their ministries. The gospel advances more effectively when churches and ministries alike practice proper financial management.

DISCUSS? Most Christians are not in full-time vocational ministry. What can they learn from Paul's example as they share the gospel.?

          Motivated by Love                   2 Corinthians 11:10-11


Paul accused the  false teachers of proclaiming lies (2 Corinthians 11:4) while affirming that he proclaimed the truth of Christ. For that reason, he would not allow anyone to stop him from declaring his commitment to never receive money from the Corinthians (verse 10). While some might question Paul's motives in this matter, love for his spiritual children was the reason he chose not to accept an offering from them. As a father lovingly prepares and guides a child toward maturity, so Paul served, trained, and protected his beloved spiritual children in Corinth. Most pastors serve because they love God and His people. They expect a fair salary that allows them to care for their families and generously help those in need.

DISCUSS? Whose example have you followed as you've grown as a Christian?

      Part 3- False Teachers Exposed

Deceitful Workers       2 Corinthians 11:12-13

Paul was resolute that he would continue in his gospel ministry, refusing to accept money from the church in Corinth (2 Corinthians 11:12). Paul understood the culture in Greece and the threat of predatory teachers who could undermine the faith of gentile believers. The believers in Corinth should have been able to recognize deceivers if they simply looked at the evil fruit they produced (Matthew 7:15-20). The false teachers' for-hire ministry produced evil fruit: People were exploited and sold a false gospel (2 Corinthians 11:20). In 2 Corinthians 11:13, Paul set aside the "super apostles" Nickname to call them out for what they really were: false apostles. Their purpose was to advance their own agenda rather than the cause of Christ. No Christian is immune to the deception of false teachers, but here are some warning signs to watch out for: Do they manipulate you rather than motivating you? 2. Do they teach you to rely on their messages (or products) rather than developing a closer relationship with Jesus. 3. Do they promote themselves instead of glorifying Jesus? 4. Do they teach you to listen to your own heart or mind instead of listening to the Holy Spiri? By growing in our knowledge and understanding of God's Word, we can learn to recognize false teachers and the lies they peddle.

DISCUSS? Hoe would you counsel a new Christian who is drawn to the ministry of a false teacher?

Deceitful Workers Will Be Judged                    2 Corinthians 11:14-15

Paul unveiled the deceivers' true identity, revealing that these servants of Satan were merely imitating their master's ability to disguise darkness behind light (2 Corinthians 11:14). Throughout Scripture, light always represents righteousness. In verse 3, Paul referred to the serpent deceiving Eve, in verse 15, he referred to Satan's servants deceiving the Corinthians believers. Thes false teachers faced God's judgment for their wickedness. They would receive what their deceptive ways deserved.

Discuss? What should Christians do if they encounter false teaching in the church?



We should prepare to recognize and confront false teaching by growing in our understanding of God's word. False teachers often misinterpret and misapply single verses or short Scriptures passages to support their claims. Their teaching may be full of sayings that sound spiritual while sidestepping the overarching message of the Scriptures. False teaching will almost always misrepresent the person and work of Jesus by portraying Him as not truly human, not fully God, or less than sufficient to provide salvation. Pay close attention when you hear suspicious teachings to make sure a difference gospel is not being proclaimed.


         Seek the Holy Spirit's help in discerning whether certain teachers bear good or evil fruit.










               DAILY BIBLE READING

                  Monday: The Original False Teacher. (Genesis 3:1-7

    Tuesday: Judging Prophets. (Deu.18:15-22)

         Wednesday: Lying Spirits. (1 Kings 22:13-23)

                    Thursday: Judge a Prophet's Fruit (Matthew 7:15-23)

                        Friday. warning against a False Gospel (Galatians 1:6-9)

                  Saturday: Combat False Teaching. (2 Peter 3:14-18)

Gospel Publishing House. 1445 N. Boonville Ave. Springfield, Missouri 65802 Volume 106 Number 2. Dec. Jan.  Feb. 2024-25